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Grant Macewan University Degree

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The largest public University in Western Canada, Grant MacEwan University officially changed its name to MacEwan University on September 24, 2009. McCowan University is an accredited Canadian public university. The university has 50,000 students, more than 160 majors, strong teachers, excellent teaching equipment, and a strong learning atmosphere.McCowan University is divided into four campuses: City Agency Campus, Jasper Campus, Mill Woods Campus and Alberta College campus, Among them, Albert College was founded in 1903, merged into McCowan University College in 2002, so that its students reached 50,000, providing 160 different directions of professional (including language, preparatory, diploma, junior college and undergraduate courses), strong teachers, excellent teaching equipment, strong learning atmosphere, is the largest public university in the local.Geographical positionMcCowan University is located in Alberta, Canada, which is one of the most economically developed provinces in the country. The province’s oil reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia’s, and its natural gas exports rank second in the world. The province is rich in oil and gas mineral resources and has strong financial resources, high government investment in education, and has provided generous subsidies to public colleges and universities for many years, ranking first in the whole country, so the quality of education is excellent and the tuition fee is relatively low.

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Why choose Grant Macewan University to study in Canada

1. McCowan University is one of the largest public universities in Western Canada. It not only offers undergraduate programs, but also has the responsibility of sending outstanding students to many universities with transfer agreements, including the University of Alberta, which was founded in 1906 and is one of the five largest comprehensive universities in Canada with a focus on research.2. Small class sizes, personalized teaching, diverse learning modes, and excellent modern facilities all mean that you enjoy better educational and career prospects here. In fact, graduates do have high employment rates.3, McCowan University offers a unique curriculum that is practical bachelor’s degree course (3+1), students who take this course for the first 3 years of classroom learning, the last year for the paid internship stage, the combination of theory and practice, especially for preparing to pursue career development in Canada after graduation, and even immigration students favored.4, McCowan University undergraduate not only includes liberal arts, science, computer (direction) science, science engineering, business, education, management, etc. The “Bachelor of Science in Nursing “of McCowan University has broken this spell and opened the medical door for Chinese students.5, University of Alberta transfer credit courses (2+2). McCowan University is a public key university of Alberta, and is also designated by the provincial government to cooperate with the University of Alberta undergraduate Foundation program partner school. After completing the first and second year of courses at McCowan University, international students can transfer all the credits of these courses to the University of Alberta (and can also transfer to other higher education institutions in Canada), and finally obtain the degree and graduation certificate of the University of Alberta. In addition, McCowan University has small classes, low tuition, and perfect equipment, so the university transfer credit course has become the first choice of most students.6, McCowan University provides Academic English Intensive Program (ESL) and University Studies International to help students strengthen their English and better prepare for future studies.