Defining Standards in Reproductive Embryology
The American College of Embryology (EMBCOL) is an organization of embryology practitioners dedicated to advancing the practice of reproductive embryology and establishing standards for reproductive embryology care. Join us, to make EMBCOL your organization and your voice. Embryology practice is not regulated at the federal level and is only regulated by a very small number of states. Therefore, the certification in embryology is not required in the vast majority of cases. American College Embryology Certificate, buy American College Embryology Certificate, fake American College Embryology Certificate, buy fake American College Embryology Certificate, shopping American College Embryology Certificate,shopping fake American College Embryology Certificate, Where Can I Buy American College Embryology Certificate?
Accordingly, at this time, certification offered by EMBCOL is voluntarily and is not required to practice embryology, nor it is officially recognized.
However, EMBCOL is playing an important role in self-regulating the practice of embryology and is engaged into the legislative activity that can affect embryology practice in the future.
EMBCOL certification is prestigious and a number of outstanding practitioners have already became certified. EMBCOL’s Embryology Facility Accreditation follows a Board Certified Reproductive Embryologist (EMB).
In practice, this means that once a Reproductive Embryologist files a below affidavit with EMBCOL, stating that he/she is affiliated with a specific Embryology Facility, this Facility automatically becomes eligible for accreditation and will remain qualified for renewal as long as this Embryologist maintains responsible for the embryology process at the respective Embryology Facility.
This does not imply that a Reproductive Embryologist has to be a laboratory director or supervisor. It is sufficient that a Reproductive Embryologist publicly discloses his/her affiliation with the respective Embryology Facility and has the authority over the embryology process whether on-site or using alternative means, such as the Internet.
In order for an Embryology Facility to be accredited by the American College of Embryology, a Board Certified Reproductive Embryologist (EMB) must submit an affidavit.
Currently, EMBCOL limits the number of Facilities that can be accredited under a Board Certified Reproductive Embryologist to a maximum of 3.
Once an affidavit and accreditation fee have been submitted, your facility will be issued an electronic certificate that may be displayed on your web site.
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