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How can buy National Cheng Kung University fake diploma easily?

National Cheng Kung University fake diploma

National Cheng Kung University diploma

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National Cheng Kung University (English abbreviation: NCKU, Chinese abbreviation: Cheng Da) is one of the top universities in Taiwan, and is now the second largest comprehensive university in Taiwan. The main campus of Cheng University is composed of eight campuses, each of which is closely connected, and the Annan campus, Qui Nyan Campus and Douliu Campus area, which is the only national comprehensive university with the largest concentration of campuses in Taiwan. In addition, Cheng University is also home to the Southern Taiwan Education Center, Medical Center, Optoelectronic System Science and Technology Center, Southern Nanotechnology Research Center, Aerospace Center and Regional Network Center, and is the most complete research-oriented comprehensive university in the academic field.

Outstanding in the academic fields of science, engineering, medicine, humanities, management, design and planning, National Cheng Kung University received a total of NT $1.7 billion in 2005 and 2008 respectively from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China’s “Development of World-class Universities and Top Research Centers Program”. In 2008, Shanghai Jiao Tong University of China released the World University Rankings, and Cheng University ranked 351.

National Cheng Kung University, formerly known as Tainan Higher Polytechnic School of Taiwan under Japanese rule, was founded in 1931 outside Xiaodong Gate, Tainan City, and is now the Cheng Kung Campus. At the beginning, the school has mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and applied engineering. In 1940, three departments of civil engineering, construction and electrical chemistry were added. It was renamed Tainan Industrial School in 1942. After being accepted by the Nationalist government, it was renamed Tainan Industrial College of Taiwan Province in March 1946, and then upgraded to Taiwan Provincial Institute of Technology in October of the same year, with six departments including mechanical engineering. 1956 It was renamed Taiwan Provincial Chenggong University. It was renamed National Chenggong University in 1971.

During the fifth session of the Governor’s Council of Taiwan in 1927 (the second year of Showa), it was decided to set up specialized schools related to industry in response to the question of how to popularize industrial education. In July 1928 (the third year of Showa), since there were already two higher commercial schools in Taiwan (Taipei Higher Commercial School and Taipei High Vocational School Tainan Branch), there were too many people in the world, so the Education and Education Bureau decided to abolish the Tainan Higher Commercial School (located in the present Yongfu National Primary School) and build a new industrial school. In 1929 (the fourth year of Showa), the Tainan Government donated 52,942 pyong of land as the site of the school.

On March 16, 1931 (sixth year of Showa), an entrance examination was held at the University and Taipei Higher Commercial School (located at the Xuzhou Road campus of today’s Taiwan University). A total of 409 students took the examination. On March 23, the admission notice was issued, and the first admission was 25 students in the mechanical engineering discipline, 25 students in the electrical engineering discipline and 22 students in the applied chemistry discipline. On October 27, 1932 (the seventh year of Showa), the first song of the university was released. The first graduation ceremony was held on March 16, 1934 (Showa 9th Year), with 60 graduates and an audience of about 500 people. In 1940 (the fifteenth year of Showa), mechanical engineering and electrical engineering were increased to two classes, and applied chemistry was not increased, but the electrification Group was independent of the electrification discipline, with a total of four courses and six classes. In 1944 (Showa 19th year), the mechanical engineering discipline was renamed Mechanical Department, the electrical engineering discipline was renamed Electrical Department, the applied chemistry discipline was renamed Chemical Industry Department, and the electrification discipline remained the same. The two departments of earth and wood and construction were added, with a total of six departments